Aug 19, 2019

The Native American Holocaust and how United States Indian Law inspired Nazi Germany

The swastica is a sacred Navajo symbol from time immemorial.  The symbol has been woven into rugs and inscribed into jewelry and properly comes from the Dine sacred ceremonies.  One rumor says that Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany was inspired by the Navajo sacred symbol that he adopted as his own.  

American legal scholar Professor Robert Miller is also finding out that the United States law that destroyed the Native Americans also inspired Hitler.  ("Nazi Germany and American Indians")  We are all aware of, and condemn, how the Nazis committed genocide against the Jews, usually termed "the Holocaust", but most of us are not aware that the Nazis copied what the United States did to the Native Americans.  The Commander Hitler himself commented about United States Federal Indian Policy:
"The Nazis’ interest in the United States policies and laws regarding American Indians originated with Adolf Hitler himself. In his book Mein Kampf, Hitler discussed U.S. laws and policies and noted that the United States was a racial model for Europe and that it was “the one state” in the world that was creating the kind of racist society that the Nazi regime wanted to establish. In a 1928 speech, Hitler stated that Americans had “gunned down the millions of Redskins to a few hundred thousand, and now keep the modest remnant under observation in a cage ...”
The United States was a racial model for Europe? It goes further at how the Nazis were amazed that the United States got away with it for some many centuries.
"The Nazis were very interested in how the United States had gotten away with discriminating against Indians for several centuries based on race and bloodlines. "
To put it plainly, as Hitler himself said, America is a racist society.  It was founded upon racism.  Until we can come to grasp with that and start addressing the error, the mass killings are probably going to continue and we Navajos will find ourselves in America's second civil war.