Jan 6, 2018

Water over territory

Lately, there have been bickering on the Navajo Times letter to editor about the purchase of land at Colorado and the need for water on the Navajo reserve.  This is a hard issue.  We need the water.  But the territory is also important.  I'm glad to hear this as the issue though.  Here is a good article of the Navajo water crisis.  It was interesting how the writing acknowledges that the Navajo reservation is a desert and arid, and much of the available water has been ruined due to energy development such as uranium, coal, and gas.  Currently, gas is booming with fracking.  Much of the water is contaminated and our young educated Navajo professionals are bringing awareness of how bad the situation is in Sanders, Crownpoint, Kayenta, and Tuba City. These are major Navajo communities.  With contaminated water comes early death by cancer, failed kidney, and breathing issues.  Dahoochxo'.  There was a good comment about how the current American administration is allowing the fracking boom to overrun the area which is a violation of the Navajo-US treaty.  This is a violation of international law.  As one judge stated, "Great Nations, like great men, keep their word."  What kind of Nation does that make the US?  A pinch of reality.

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