Jul 9, 2019
No longer supporting designer Shayne Watson
There has been a lot of guys coming out accusing Navajo designer Shayne Watson of being a gay sexual predator. More than one man has come out saying Watson, when hiring for male models to showcase Watson's clothing line, has sexually harassed the male models in a homosexual manner. We may be talking about a gay Dine Harvey Weinstein here. A lot of straight people hate gays because of sexual predators which Watson is being accused of here. In response, there are "Stop the Hate" campaigns from the LBGT community. Maybe if the sexual predators stop, the hate can stop too. It is sad that our Dine men are forsaking their roles of being straight husbands, fathers, and role models. Back a while, Tribal Employee supported Watson's work because he was an up-and-coming Navajo designer and Tribal Employee wanted to support our Navajo entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, with all the negative accusations coming out, Tribal Employee no longer supports Watson's brands.